REMINDER: There is an early-dismissal today for staff professional development. The high school will release at 1:10pm and the elementary will release at 1:30pm. The Jamestown bus will arrive at New Hope Free Lutheran Church around 1:45pm.

Pingree-Buchanan Public Schools invite all community members/taxpayers to attend one of our informational meetings regarding the proposed elementary addition and bond referendum.

JH GBB starts today. Practice is in Pingree today and tomorrow. Practice is in Medina on Thursday and Friday. All players must have a current physical and a concussion protocol done to compete. All players must have 9 practices also to compete. Get in touch with Mrs. Armitage if you have any questions. REMEMBER NO NEW PIERCINGS OR PIERCINGS THAT CANNOT BE REMOVED.

The Pixellot system on the NFHS Network is hooked up at Pingree-Buchanan High School home games in Pingree are going to be streamed on the NFHS network. Games do require a subscription if you have family or friends that want to watch games. Tonight's 3 volleyball games vs. Carrington should be televised on the network as long as everything goes smoothly. Tonight is a test run, as the camera was just installed! Below is the link.

Elementary News October 24, 2022

Elementary News October 17, 2022

The elementary boys will practice today and Wednesday (October 17 and 19), during their PE times and will ride the bus home. They will have practice after school only on Tuesday, October 18 this week from 3:30-4:45pm. There is no school or practice this Thursday and Friday (October 20 and 21).

Attached is the bracket for the District 6 Volleyball Tournament that starts on October 28 in Ashley. The MPB Thunder will play the 2nd match on October 28 against Kidder County.

More information regarding the Proposed Buchanan Addition Project and Referendum has been added to our website! Take a look at the link below:

The JH, JV, and Varsity GBB game scheduled for December 20, 2022 vs. Maple River in Tower City has been moved to Monday, December 19 in Tower City. Maple River had a scheduling conflict on this date.

Elementary News October 10, 2022 and Elementary Boys Basketball Schedule

The location of today's Junior High football game vs Jamestown is at Earnie Gates Field, Washington Elementary in Jamestown at 5:00pm.

Our Thunder fans at the game last night! Thank you for supporting our volleyball girls! 📣🏐♥️🖤

The elementary girls will play Midkota today, Fri., Oct. 7, starting at 4:30. There will not be elementary boys basketball practice today.

The Booster Club is selling Thunder Apparel.
You can order online at:

The JV football game scheduled for Monday, October 3rd at Harvey has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled.

Pingree-Buchanan Homecoming Royalty were recognized at Friday nights' football game in Carrington. Adam McClellan, son of Natasha Ova, Sophia Bohl, daughter of Brad and Tara Bohl, and the Queen, Lilly Bohl, daughter of Corey and Jeannie Bohl. The King is Chase Waldie, son of Curt and Denise Waldie (not pictured).

There is an early dismissal tomorrow, Wednesday September 28th. High School will be released at 1:10, elementary will be released at 1:30. The Jamestown bus will be at the church parking lot at 1:50pm.

Monday's (9/26) JV Football game @ Devils Lake has been cancelled and will not be re-scheduled.

Dear Elementary Girls Basketball Parents,
The girls’ basketball practice/game schedule for Sept. 26-30:
Monday—3-6 Practice during PE from 2:20-3:20
Tuesday—3-6 Practice during PE from 2:20-3:20
Wednesday—No Practice/1:30 Early Dismissal
Thursday—Game in Carrington at 4:00 (one 6th grade game only)
(Coaches will drive a 9 passenger suburban and will leave at 3:00.)
Friday—3-6 Practice during PE from 2:20-3:20
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Mrs. Neys at